Monday, June 30, 2008

A Grandbaby turning Toddler

I'm blessed with wonderful girls-they came back to Mendo, this time for a four day visit! They brought their good friend and neighbors, the Kennedys. (More about them on the next blog).  It's obvious that C is growing up so fast! This visit she was so busy with all the activities with the Cassidy children she didn't have time for Grammy. 
We went to Big River beach. It's an awesome place with lots of sand and blue sky and lots of driftwood. C has figured out how fill up buckets and dump them upside down.
I couldn't resist...a baby plumbers crack
This is a water table-they have the cutest toys for kids nowdays- and C gets water from the hose in the big pail, then carries the pail all the way across the site to fill the table. Then she spends hours pouring water from one container to another. 
This is C's "I'm pretending you're not there" look. 
I'm not sure if she saw herself as an official or spectator at the volleyball court. Either way she was enjoying herself!
All that pretty well drained the stuff out of her. Kris rocked for just a few minutes and C was out for the duration. 
Then back to sand play!

1 comment:

CaliforniaGrammy said...

That little toddler gets cuter and cuter. I love the water table, is that ever a cool thing to have. I get a real kick out of seeing all the "stuff" that got schlept to Mendo for that sweet child, boy-o-boy did she have fun! And I crack up at the picture of pretending you're not there, how funny is that!

The picture of Kris rocking C looks like she, herself, could use a nap. Having a toddler does take lots of energy if I'm remembering correctly!