Sunday, January 18, 2009

January Ramblings....

For those of you who think I can only post pictures of grandchildren.....
AAAHHH! Is this really January? Or did we miss 4 months and it's really April... I noticed my friends haven't posted since Christmas so I thought I'd let you know they're still alive and well....and moving to another site! 
Here's Garys new home -the shed on site#529! Nice digs, Gary
This is what it looks like when you're moving. You have to really, really, want that new site...
Of course, moving also means thinning out, getting rid of, and shifting a whole bunch of stuff.  
And here's why they're moving..
This will be their view outside their living room..beautiful, yes?
This will be Mittens' new hunting grounds...
Possible deck here....
Who knows why I took this...
My friend, Jeanne, came down from WA to get some seratonin... She's a former member of Park Sierra and moved north to be closer to her daughter and granddaughter. But sunny California is something you don't get out of your system easily. She's lapping up the rays on a late afternoon-in short sleeves, on my deck IN JANUARY!!
We played cards for hours, reminisced, and promised to meet up in the desert in March. Hope my hands are in shape for another marathon Minnesota Canasta!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Construction Day

The man team, John and JH
weather stripping on the steps to no one will slip...
Beautiful low voltage lights around the deck and down the ramp....
The Piece de Resistance! My new sink...I'm going to organize a dishwashing party-bring your own and wash your own dishes
The girl team-Kris and C
JH and C were invited to my neighbors'  house for cookies and See's suckers..
JH likes my neighbors
No rest for the construction team...
Of course, emptying the truck was a full team job!

I always have a "to do" list for Kris, and this goes back to forever! I wanted to change the kind of sink I had in the park trailer. She wanted to confer with her boss/partner John for the best approach and that was the perfect excuse to invite the whole family up to visit. While they were here he and Kris conferred about other tasks and arranged their schedules so they could come and spend a whole day doing various jobs. JC and C came, too. The results? A new sink (I LOVE it!) ambient, low voltage lighting around the deck and down the ramp (no excuse for tripping now!), weather stripping for the steps to the deck and better lighting in the shed. These guys are so awesome-that list was completed in one day! i'm so blessed....

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Grandmother's Club

One of my goals this year is to get more involved in my community-expanding outside of Park Sierra. The Grandmothers Club was formed in the late 1940s, probably to have a place for women to meet and socialize. later, a mobile home park was developed (in Arroyo Grande) and an apartment complex right here in Coarsegold. The Grandmothers' Village has a lovely clubhouse where the Coarsegold chapter meet. This Chapter has been working on reducing their debt and will have paid the mortgage off by June this year. They are a lovely group of women (and some honorary men and angels who might not have grand children)  who invited me to join. I will be "installed" next month.  There are many chapters around CA, all having local projects and social activities. I'm looking forward to participating!
Opening the meeting includes the Pledge of Allegiance, Officer roll call, and a short prayer

Of course, after the business meeting, lunch is served!
Some folks stay and play cards after lunch.