Monday, May 5, 2008

First Weekend in Mendocino

Mendocino is just as I remembered-beautiful, serene and inviting. After an easy trip caravanning with the Thompsons we settled in on Wed. We officially checked in Thurs and found we were on for the Heritage Festival, beginning May 3 through the 11th. Mendocino is filled with special events during this time and the Ford House is host to many of them. Saturday was the big day-we dressed in period costumes and had several stations on the Headlands in the back of the Ford House. We had Mr. and Mrs. Ford there-Mr. Ford told of the hazardous trip from the east to here. We had children's games (appropriate to the 1800's) weaving  and knitting demonstrations, a real stagecoach ride through town, a pump fire truck, making ice cream, butter and corn husk dolls. Lots of fun! 

L to R: Cecile, Judy and me in our period costumes. Thanks, Denise, for all your hard work sewing our garments! Cecile was in charge of making ice cream, Judy- children's games, and I was in charge of making corn husk dolls. 
This young lady is busy at work making her first corn husk doll.
Cecile is making ice cream the old fashioned way. 
A group of juniors from the local high school came to see what their heritage was all about. They made some of the most creative dolls! 

1 comment:

CaliforniaGrammy said...

Dang, that looks like so much fun! I love the period costumes too. What fun and I'm sure a lot of work.