Sunday, May 23, 2010

Travelogue # 5

Three days of snow is 3 days too much! I now know the meaning of "cabin fever"....So we went to town to have breakfast and replenish supplies...

The buildings in the background are the "clubhouse" facilities-sparkling bathrooms, clean laundry, good sized gathering room...I'd recommend this place to anyone coming to the outback OR region-in the summer, of course!
We had a slight delay going to town....practice, practice, practice...
Jack found a perfect stream for casting his rod... Casting for supper-we ate out!
This is the Sprague River-picnic area- in the Fremont National Forest
We're always excited to see creatures and critters-this is hard to see but we're in antelope valley on 140 headed towards Klamath Falls...and there's the Antelope!
We're on the run again...more adventures to come!

1 comment:

CaliforniaGrammy said...

I take it, since you ate out, that there were no fish biting? Keep on having fun!