Friday, May 21, 2010

Travelogue #4 1/2Yikes!

Yikes! It's snowing! We're in Lakeview, OR, in the SE outback. The plan was to get some household chores done (laundry), then pack the car for a foray to the Sunstone Gem Collection Area(BLM) near Plush. Well, the best laid plans......Finished the laundry, came back to the rig for lunch and a "little nap" and this is what we woke up to see!
There was a little flurry-I thought how cute......
I pulled the door open....
Same picnic table as the first picture-we're in a white-out!
The birds are flocking to the underside of the rig-we have electricity and we have the heat cranked up...
It's all Jack's fault...he washed the car yesterday...
OK, I said I don't like the heat but this is ridiculous!!!!!


CaliforniaGrammy said...

FYI . . . it's in the 70s and bright and sunny with a little breeze. Just got back from a fun happy hour at the clubhouse. You just need to remember the from somewhere in the Bible: "This, too, shall pass!"

Life is good.

BabyMamma said...

Is it warm here! I'm glad I'm not in that snow and ick! You should be used to it having lived in Michigan! All is well here and we're glad you are having a great time. Nice walker by the way..

The pictures are gorgeous and we're clamoring to get outta here too!! Vacation is a comin'
Love ya!