Wednesday, August 4, 2010

#26 Ghost Haunt, Lake Cameron

We (Peg, Jack and I) took a boat ride on Waterton Lakes-Upper lake and Lower lake to reach the US/Canadian border known as Goat Haunt. It's a pleasant two hour tour and the boat Captain is full of info....
Of course it's part of Wateron...
And as usual, the scenery is majestic
Jack is standing at the dock of the Glacier International Peace Park, the first of its kind...
This is looking at Logan Pass from the other side...
And this is Cameron Lake-kind of a Lake Louise without all the tourists...
It's a favorite for bears across the lake-but we didn't see any that day...
We stoppped for the night at Stoney Casino-Jack made Bob and I hitchhike...teehee
"And that's the truth, bltzzz" Edith Ann AKA Peggy and her boyfriend Bob in Edith's chair.....

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