Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cranbrook,McCloud Meadows,Crowsnest Pass

It's been a while since I blogged...I haven't had an internet connection in a week! But that's because we've been so busy...Stunning scenery, Wow! factor everywhere we go...and then there's more wow....But let me try to catch you up....
WE got into Cranbrook, B.C on July 1st, Canada Day, parked in the Wal Mart parking lot (with about 16 other rigs) and found where the celebration was....
We were treated to local entertainment before the fireworks...very local
But once the fireworks started we forgot about the wait and the cold...
Next day we headed for Sparwood, Fernie and Crowsnest Pass. Jack is standing in front of the largest truck...
Coal mining is the most important industry today, as it was 35 years ago when Jack worked here on an environmental project and had an accident that almost cost him his life.
We went on one of those "wonder what's down this one" roads and ended up at a sulphur springs that had nothing else! Jack needed the four-wheel drive to get back....
Again, and I know I repeat myself too often, stunning scenery...this is the pass (Crowsnest) that connects British Colombia to Alberta. It's one of three passes through the Canadian Rockies.
At 4:09 am the town of Fernie heard a great rumble and twenty minute later the face of Turtle mountain came down, killing 90 people.
Try to blow this up-it's interesting info...
The slide took the rocks clear across the road...

I'll have to do a special blog on critters-these are elk
Didn't see the badgers, but Jack saw their trail...He said he'd never seen a badger sign....

1 comment:

CaliforniaGrammy said...

Badger Crossing . . . now that's a new one! Thanks for the update.