Saturday, February 27, 2010

Coarsegold Creek Gone Wild!

Did you ever visit Park Sierra? Do you live here? Did you know we claim the road over the creek is part of the original Stagecoach trail from Fresno to Yosemite? Some doubt the veracity of this statement so....
Look at the center of the tree
Can you see the horseshoe imbedded in the "y" -the tree has grown around the horseshoe! Now, it's reasonable to assume a horse threw a shoe while pulling the stagecoach, right?
I've been in Park Sierra for over six years and NEVER saw the creek so high!
Look at the water rushing! And this was snapped hours after the rain stopped.
Cool! But I don't think it's a good idea to go to the back 40 in a golf cart.
Jack went fishing....teehee


Ken said...

There are fish in the creek from time to time, but they seem to stay in a pool on the other side. Jerry, our past park fish expert for California, said they were blue gill that wash out of a farmers pond when we have a big rain storm.

CaliforniaGrammy said...

Fabulous pictures Traveling Grammy! I love the one of you truly look like you know what you're doing! ... hmmmmm ... maybe you do!

The Fab 4 said...

Hi Aunt Patty! Glad to see your fishing! We are freezing and we cannot wait for spring to get here! We love you and miss you!