Sunday, September 13, 2009

Grammy is traveling!

Well, I'm back on the road and forgot how to set up my pictures so they're in the wrong order- again! I'm also at a place wher my internet connection is soooo slooow I could scream but finally decided to at least try to update my blogsite....
I'm in Washington, playing with my good friend Teresa, doing all kinds of girly stuff. That's a blog in itself and I will try to do that one next. I left Mendocino, stayed in corning then moved up to 7 Feathers then on to Promontory Park where the Thompson's were hosting. We had time to take in some of the sights before I took off for WA:
This is Canby, OR, where Jack showed his crystals and other goodies over Labor Day weekend. It was fun schmoozing with the customers.
My first fishing lesson-the Thompsons are holding me back!
Gary and Cecile at the shores of Timothy Lake
One of many waterfalls gushing roadside on the way to Mt. Hood.
Mt. Hood-majestic, yes?

1 comment:

CaliforniaGrammy said...

Fun to see you on the road, Pat. That Jack friend of your has a great smile. And about fishing . . . was there a fish on the end of that line, I didn't see much of a curve in the rod ...TeeHee! I'm glad you're having fun with your buddy, Teresa. We'll see you back at the park in October? We're heading "home" at the end of the month, skipping any crabbing this year. My pneumonia is still hanging on, it's been a lazy summer for me!