Monday, December 20, 2010


We started cookie decorating for Christmas when Kristin was about 5 or 6. My friends came over with their children and we spent all evening decorating tree, stocking, reindeer or Raggedy Ann/Andy shaped cookies. Some spent all night frosting just one or two cookies! I'm so glad Kris remembers this annual event and carries it on to this day.
This year Kris invited some of Miss C's classmates and their parents. 

The guys had to watch football-and sample cookies, of course!

So many choices-such artistic results! 

Of course, some couldn't take all the excitement-Miss E snuggled up to Mama and fell sound asleep! 
Merry Christmas to all!!!!!

1 comment:

CaliforniaGrammy said...

Isn't it fun to watch traditions we started so many years ago carry on in the next generation. What a great idea to invite classroom friends and their moms. So much easier to have extra adult supervision in such a creative task.