Tuesday, June 8, 2010

#14 The Grand Coulee Dam

The Grand Coulee Dam-a marvel of ingenuity and engineering! Good ol' Teddy pushed this project through and it has made a huge difference in the production of electricity in the west....

This is a rare occurance...usually, the dam is dry and the water spill only happens in preparation for the laser show. But today, the water spill happened because the lake was too high and and it had rained north of here. Every body was talking about it...this only happens once a year at best...we pick the right time to be here!

There's a lookout-we watched the laser show from here...
This is part of the tour-very interesting and informative...
This is what it looks like from the top...
Because we had special security they were allowing us to drive over the dam!
Too bad I didn't know my camera better-the laser show is unbelievable!!!!


CaliforniaGrammy said...

Curious minds want to know why you had "special security" ?:)

TravelingGrammy said...

Well, after 9/11 all tours were cancelled for security reasons. I don't know when they started to allow tours of the buildings, but apparently driving across the top of the dam was deemed too dangerous. Special security was employed this year so the vans that give the tour could drive across the top! We were in the first week of that special feature....