Monday, March 15, 2010


Today was special-we hit three states in one day! Best of all, we went to Oatman. Those of you who know about our adventures last year might remember the day we got lost and found ourselves in Oatman, AZ, driving the motor home and towing the Jeep....This was a much better trip....
This flower field is part of a golf course-so beautiful! It reminded me of our poppy fields that I know are blossoming all over CA....
The burros have the right of way and take full advantage if it! Cecile and I are petting a baby...There's a sticker on his forehead to warn sightseers not to feed them, because they don't have enough back teeth to chew.
You can't stop a burro once he decides to move...
Another part of the entertainment is the gunfight. After, they pass the hat and all proceeds go the the Shriners Hospital. Fun entertainment!
And so, the burros bid us goodbye. We start home tomorrow....hope the weather is better than when we left!

1 comment:

CaliforniaGrammy said...

Looks like you guys are having lots of fun, in spite of the donkeys! But they are pretty darn cute!