Saturday, January 9, 2010

First visit for 2010

Nothing beats the blahs like a visit from the grandchildren...Kris came and tended to chores (I always have a "to do" list waiting for her) while I just sat around and enjoyed my grandchildren, Miss C and Miss E.
How fast they grow!
Here's a switch- Miss C is reading to me! Later we went down memory lane with a slide show-I showed Miss C some pictures of her when she was Miss E's age. It's a lot of work for Kris to get the children ready and spend the night-I'm so blessed! Maybe next visit Sandi can come, too.

1 comment:

CaliforniaGrammy said...

Oh my gosh, how precious they are, indeed! I'm so sorry I missed them. I saw Miss C and Kris down at the clubhouse but couldn't wait for them because Ken was waiting for me in the truck . . . we had chores to do. But I hope next time I'll get the time to pay a visit! I'd love to chat with Miss C since she's my favorite aged child in the whole wide world. And Miss E is just at the squeezy age!