Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Ahh, always a special time of the year for young and old alike......And my grandchildren are no exception! Misses C and E came to my motor home Christmas morning ( I bring my MH and park it in the driveway-it's an escape house for me) and we waited for mommy to come home from feeding their friends dogs.
Cand E were so excited! C was sure she heard Santa sometime during the night-he left a thank you note for the cookies and goodies for Rudolf-he even said he took a break in the rocking chair and Belle sat on his lap the whole time! But there were questions this year like, how can Santa eat all the cookies left out for him? Well, she's 8 going on 21........They look so cute in their "Hello Kitty" jammies....

Miss E didn't care what the gift was.....she loved it all..she's sitting in her new bean bag chair..

C was thrilled- a new real guitar!

Mommy and Mama were in maching jammies, too. It's our "tradition" to open gifts in our jammies-no makeup are hair combing allowed...Mommy hands out the gifts-elf style.

Grammy (me) gave both of them a crayola air brush set. It was a hit! Merry Christmas to All, and a happy, healthy safe New Year!

1 comment:

CaliforniaGrammy said...

I hope your 2014 is a good year too! Just checking in on my blogging family, since I don't blog any more it's nice to do some catching up. Hope your cruise and summer is a time of joy and lot of smiles!