Thursday, October 20, 2011

And now, the birthday party!

Aunt Alex went into the fun house with Miss C and Miss E.  It's so nice to have the party at a nearby park. Actually, it's easy, breezy-and the clean up is quick.
 This is the jumping jack house-the company comes and sets everything up and at  a predetermined time comes back and picks it up.

 Miss E was really, really tired and was wlling to sit up on Grammy's lap for a while.
 Momma and Miss C did their own special dance....
And when Miss E got a second wind she was ready to join the kids in the jumping jack house!

1 comment:

CaliforniaGrammy said...

Those jump-houses are the greatest, aren't they? Kinda spendy but they sure make it easy to put on a birthday party!