Saturday, September 18, 2010

Reunion and a Baby Fix

Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (San Jose)  celebrated their 40th anniversary of Rehabilitation Services-that's where I worked for over 20 years....Jerry Wright (pictured below) is the Grant Projects Administrator and a good friend. He told me about the party and I was so glad I went! Lots of old friends and reminiscing....and so many changes! I had a brand new audience to share about my trip and made a few folks envious.....
I left SJ about 2 and went to the kids house to get my fix...Oh, my! Five months is a LONG time in a child's life. Miss C was very glad to see me but hopes that I'll still send her stuff in the mail and Miss E just stared at me...Both put on their socks from Crater Lake and Miss C showed me some moves on WII.
Miss E will try to duplicate everything Miss C does...she's Miss C's greatest fan and gets frustrated when she can't find C...
Miss C is playing soccer on a team this year...she's front and center-look at that determined face!
And of course Miss E is on the sidelines cheering big sister..
They have the traditional hand slapping and congratulating the other team...C's team won!

1 comment:

CaliforniaGrammy said...

My gosh those kids are growing up right before our eyes . . . and playing soccer! What fun learning to be part of a team. I bet you got some good chuckles watching them running around in all directions.

And reuniting with old buddies is a good thing too, I bet they were quite envious of your chosen lifestyle!