Kootenai Wildflife Refuge
We loved this refuge (it's where we discovered the Puddler magazine for Kids) and since Bob and Peggy are birders, we thought they'd enjoy it, too. We' were told there's several critters (amongst them a moose!) but we only saw birds.
Jack wants to make a puzzle from this shot....Maybe someone will get this for Christmas!
And, another glimpse of Polebridge-it was pretty lively-Friday night is pizza nite.
Here's the bridge, and yep, it's made of poles....
A sentimental stop-here's where we were sworn in as Jr. Rangers....
And it wouldn't be complete until Jack took Bob fishing under the pole bridge at Polebridge
Intense, serious business...
Peggy's checking to see how cold it is....It couldn't be too bad-there were people on the other side swimming...
Bob and Peg have elected to forego their trip to Yellowstone and return to CT instead. We wish them a safe trip and happy travels...Whoa, bear! Human Here! (Inside joke)
What a great idea to make a puzzle out of that beautiful photo!
So long Bob and Peg, it's been fun.
Hey You Two,
So glad you are having such a great time and in the most beautiful places! Thanks for your comments on our blog too. Keep on enjoying where you are because it has been fairly hot at Park Sierra. Sending hugs, Mary & Elaine
Looks like you're having a good time. Keep up the great posts.
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