Thursday, August 7, 2008

Welcome Dave and Mary

Mary & Dave Fountain stopped by on their way South and I was delighted to see them! Jim & Mary were still here, too, so we of course had to have a fire to greet them. Thanks, Dave, for the delicious steaks! Dave and Mary spent their first night in a tent-they don't look worse for wear, do they?
Ranger came to visit  and he is usually shy around strange men-he took to Dave immediately!
He liked Mary, too but Dave was #1.....
Loved having them visit and hope they'll come back next year..I realize it's a bit out of the way for most and hope I've given them enough of a taste that they'll return next year.


CaliforniaGrammy said...

Wow, steaks twice in one week! How luxurious! Good for Mary and Dave to brave it, sleeping in a tent two nights! Hip Hip Hooray!

Gary & Cecile Thompson said...

Still having a steady stream of visitors...what fun!