OOOPS! The pictures are in reverse and I don't know how to fix it-ahhh, grammy has a lot to learn
After all that work, we went shopping for "I Beam"
Of course, we had to get some of momma's favorites, too! Isn't she cute in her skirt outfit?
I have my own private pony ride whenever I want-as long as Buddy is in the mood.
Yes, that is a pit bull, and one of the most gentle dogs I've ever seen. But, don't try to enter his territory if you're a stranger!
I'm mad at my momma 'cause she combed my hair and put it in pig tails. But really, I like them 'cause I can toss them about and make them bounce.
All's well again. I have my yogurt and Lilo and Stitch
We start with chores-watering the flowers
C has learned how to retrieve water from the dogs dish-wait till she finds out about the hose!
And, when all the chores are done, I'll just chill out on our new deck-it's almost finished!
Good job, Traveling Grammy. All you do is click on the picture, hit "Apple X" and the click on where you want it to go and click "Apple V" . . . I've found that the pictures load in the opposite order you put them, so that means they stack one on top of the other. So if you're really clever you put them in reverse order, but my brain doesn't work that way so I move them around after they have downloaded. It's not as complicated as it sounds, I promise. Adorable pictures. I especially like the last one which must have supposed to have been the first one of K with C snuggling . . . adorable!
Lovely photos :D
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