Such an eventful day-all week actually! Miss C is in pre-school and had a celebration on her actual birthday as well as the family party this past weekend. This year the party was held at home-and the hockey room was decorated in Miss C's favorite character (Dora) and colors (purple and pink).
The grown ups had their games, too. The horseshoe pit was a favorite attraction. Jack and BJ played against Allyson and Kris-The guys won and I won't mention the score.....
Kris and John built the horseshoe pit as part of the playground side of the back yard.
C was more aware this year of her special day, presents and cake all for her. She carefully unwrapped each and every gift and said "thank you" to the person who brought it-with just a little prompting from Momma
The grandparents and little Miss E...we Grammys love our gran!!!dbabies
The traditional pinata-it was Dora's head! How sick is that?
Miss C couldn't wait to show us her Halloween costume-she makes a perfect Cinderella....
We all had a great time-now we can get ready for Kris's 40th and Sandi's 41st...Whew!!!!!