Is the summer really almost gone? I can't believe this, my third year here, is over. The season has been beautiful (weather-wise), frustrating (State policy-wise), and rich with memories...I'll miss my Mendo family. Here's a few pix of the Memories....
Jack was my first visitor-we toured a number of nearby areas and this was our favorite. Elk.
JD and Heather's children and grandchildren came to visit.
4th of July is always a treat in Mendo. Rowan and I were ready to sell sodas to the crowds.
Some of the campers from Van Damn came to protest the State's proposals to close parks.
JD and Heather McCleary
The 23rd Annual Music Festival was held as usual next to the Ford House in a huge circus tent. We had beautiful music wafting in our FH for two weeks.

Jack led us in a new moon ceremony-he's lighting a torch to cleanse the air in preparation.
A real highlight for me was my family visit!
Miss C like to cook marshmellows but not eat them!
Now, on to new adventures and reunions with old friends!