This is my first 4th of July in Mendocino, and I had no idea what I've been missing! We sold polish dogs with or without chili and/or saurkraut, roasted corn on the cob and sodas. All the revenue goes to the Restoration Fund for the Ford House and this year we made $1,000! Sweet!
But that's not all, folks. Mendo has an annual parade that could make you cry for your childhood. It lasts a little over 1/2 hour and goes right down Main street-right in front of us! There were lots of political statements as well as newly married couples celebrating the Supreme court ruling. Sadly, there were fewer firemen 'cause they're still out fighting fires. We kept them in mind as we celebrated our unique holiday.

The parade begins... This is the Bay View Cafe, right across the street from the Ford House. Lots of folks decorated their trucks.

Here's the crew setting up for food sales in the staff parking area of the Ford House.

And Cecile and I are the money takers

Jenny Heckeroth is our Ford House manager.

Denise Mueller is one of the docents for the Ford House and obviously an Obama fan.

Gary, our Lord of the Corn Roasters got quite a workout this day-it was so yummy no one could resist!